Thursday, December 14, 2006

WALAU HOW COME THIS BLOG IS SO DEAD AGAIN. Jana is back! Yes, alive and kicking - thank you very much.

Well, I keep on reminding myself to update this and put it on the SN String but somehow.. it just keeps slipping off my mind. This is the link for the 2006 Farewell photo log


And this is the link to the fake String Idols that a few of us tried to do during the 2006 string camp.


And this is the link for the MEP Orchestra photo log. Totally irrelevant to some of you but there's Mary-Anne, Noonling, Angela and Jana inside :D


Anyways, all those who are involved in the Open House on the 22nd of December, there will be a VERY SHORT PRACTISE (If you don't come and you are supposed to, you will.... You will know what will happen. If you're not supposed to come but you want to, please feel free) Practise will be on:

19th December 2006
MEP Room
1300-1600 hours

Please bring ALL your scores. Thank you very much.

Oh yes, to all those involved again, Rachel Pang and Lin Ziqian won't be able to make it so PLEASE, PLEASE PRACTISE HARD. Please contact your SLs or me for the programme.

Yours truly,
Jana Loh

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