Thursday, October 25, 2007

Hello there,
I'm so sorry, I know by now you'd have probably gotten sick of seeing messages from me but haha what else to do :)

Topic: Upcoming Concert To Attend!
Hwa Chong String Orchestra & Methodist Girls' String Ensemble
17th November, Saturday
Hwa Chong Institution Drama Centre
Tickets at $5 each

I'm sure most, if not all, of you should know that we had a combined camp with HCISO last year and that members from said orchestra have supported our productions (i.e. Jubiliate IV), so in order to maintain diplomatic ties and ensure their support for upcoming productions (i.e. Jubilate Vi and Vii 2008) you are strongly encouraged to support them. Also, as it is 17th November where everyone including the Yellows are done with school and award presentations whatsoever, school commitments should not be an excuse for unavailability.
Please do let your Level Cos know the number asap! (:


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