Friday, April 29, 2011

After Thoughts

A word now synonymous with excellence after our hard work.
Or, more specifically, SNSO.

It felt good to see tears of joy on your faces yesterday. I really wouldn't mind reliving yesterday. And I believe all of us just loved the moment, the shock, the smiles.

I'm glad we didn't give up halfway and pushed through as an orchestra. I'm glad we overcame our differences to make yesterday remain special in our hearts for many years to come. I'm glad all of you are glad.

Of course, I really have to thank EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU for your effort.

The Sec 1s for shifting our chairs and getting scolded for it;
The Sec 2s for putting aside your unhappiness and doing your best for the orchestra anyway;
The Sec 3s for working together despite difficulties and limited time;
The Sec 4s for throwing in more effort despite our seriously crazy schedules and workload.

The Violin 1s for listening more to each other on that very day (cuz that was our problem);
The Violin 2s for giving us quality with quantity (you ARE the biggest section);
The Violas for pushing yourself to your limits (I do admire your scale in Rutter);
The Cellos for keeping the tempo just fine (other than your melodies);
The Basses for providing us with the solid BASS (even with little parts to play).

Other than that, I personally want to thank the SLs and first desks as well for their tremendous effort put in to improve each individual section, especially the morning practices as we were approaching D-day.

I hope we can have an encore piece for Jubilate :D I was thinking Rosin Eating Zombies from Outer Space :D AWESOME PIECE!!!


-Valerie Foong-

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