Saturday, April 23, 2011

I do not care what other people think. I only care what WE think.

If we believe the pride is ours to keep, so be it.
If we believe we are good, we're good.
If we believe we will do well, we will.


We need to UNDERSTAND that we are an Honours orchestra and performing is our job. It is our role to play. It is an obligation to each and every member of the orchestra. When we put in our best, it is not for anything other than team spirit. No one would tolerate anyone who gives in halfway and just say it's over.

Because all our efforts bank on that 10 minutes on stage. No more. no less.

We go up there not to prove anyone wrong but to PROVE OURSELVES RIGHT:
Right that we can do it;
Right that we are awesome;
Right that we are not 49 people but ONE orchestra.

Mentality counts. It counts a lot.

So when we go up there, we must walk off the stage not regretting anything at all.

Instead, we walk off as true stringers with gracious steps and knowing our best -nothing less- has been given.

V. Foong

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